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Dull Skin, Poor Sleep, Low Energy, Teeth and Gum Disease [And More] All Affected By Gut Health — New Research

Take back your health, vitality and confidence, and look and feel amazing.
Published: January 1, 2025

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What you think you know about how your body works may be completely inaccurate…

This lack of accurate information is due to a medical discovery that could be the biggest threat to your health and well-being if left unchecked.

This critical health factor directly affects how your skin looks, teeth and gum health, emotional states, quality of sleep, energy levels, and a long list of health-related ailments that could be why you’re prone to illness.

It’s called the gut microbiome and ignoring the state of yours could lead to chronic health diagnosis and delibitating pain.

24,758 research articles point to the link between gut microbiota and common, yet harmful and chronic diseases. 1

Gut microbiota or the gut microbiome is a collection of 10-100 trillion symbiotic microbial cells living inside your gut.

Together, these cells help break down the food you eat, turn it into energy, and support your immune system.¹

When your microbiome is strong and healthy, your body can absorb all you need to live the healthiest version of your life possible.

It’s able to fight viruses and produce more healthy bacteria that improve your health for a better life.

You’ll get the energy you need from the food you eat.

Your body can start healing, fighting, and beating illnesses.

You start to look and feel healthier.

Your skin starts to get its youthful glow back.

Teeth and gums can get stronger and oral disease is no longer an embarrassing reality.

You’re able to get better, uninterrupted sleep, and mood swings no longer control your days.

Imagine waking up to a body filled with energy and free from pain and discomfort because your gut is healthy and strong.

What would you do with your day?

But when your gut microbiome is in poor shape, you’re likely to struggle from a growing list of common and serious health-related ailments and diseases like most Americans.

Ever suffered from a runny tummy or diarrhea?

Have you recently developed IBS or had it for years?

Ever deal with bloating or constipation?

Experience acid reflux after you eat?

Have you been diagnosed with hemorrhoids?

Do you regularly feel a dull pain in your abdomen or experience gut discomfort?

Contrary to what people think, while common, none of these ailments are healthy.

These are all telltale signs of a weak microbiome and an unhealthy and poorly functioning gut.

While these ailments cause pain and discomfort, they have a greater impact on your body.

In most men and women, dull and lifeless-looking skin is a clear sign of an unhealthy gut.

Most people experience “acne breakouts” on their face, neck, and back.

These breakouts aren’t actually due to acne.

They are caused by your gut’s inability to digest foods, causing these nutrients to create itchy, sensitive pimples that won’t go away unless your gut heals.

Farrah cleared her skin by improving her gut health

Healing your gut starts with the right nutrition

If you’re like most Americans, eating right could be your challenge. And that makes it hard to kickstart your gut’s healing cycle.

Medical research shows that switching to an all-natural diet aids gut health repair. This diet should include a combination of prebiotics and probiotics.

Together, these nutrients help heal and build your gut back to health.

Unfortunately, this means transforming your diet — something that isn’t easy to achieve.

A new supplement packed with all-natural nutrients, including prebiotics and probiotics, and designed to support a healthy gut has been released.

It’s called Gut Vita and each capsule is jam-packed with 10 all-natural ingredients you’ll be hard-pressed to get into your daily diets even if you tried.

If you like the idea of easy access to hard-to-find, quality nutrition your body needs, Gut Vita might just be right for you.

Each capsule helps improve your gut health and function and here’s a look at 6 of these powerful healing ingredients:

Improve nutrient absorption and ease constipation with black walnut

Black Walnut acts as a natural gentle laxative that also improves nutrient absorption.

It can help people who suffer from chronic constipation and gut issues by killing parasites, fungus and bacteria that interfere with your digestion and elimination. And it’s also in every Gut Vita capsule.

Promote healthy gut bacteria with flaxseed

Flaxeed powder is considered a prebiotic food that promotes healthy gut bacteria.

It’s also rich in lignans and antioxidants which aid in the reduction of wrinkles and fine lines on the face and encourages skin cells to heal more efficiently, aiding in the recovery from various skin issues.

Beat constipation and pass stool regularly and easily with glucomannan

Glucomannan Powder – a soluble fiber found in the Konjac plant in East and Southeast Asia — improves the frequency and consistency of your stool.

It also makes you feel full for longer – curbing the urge to binge on unhealthy food.

Protect your stomach against constant stomach viruses with apple pectin

Each Gut Vita capsule includes a dose of Apple Pectin – a prebiotic fiber found in the cell walls of plants. Don’t eat an apple every day?

Your daily dose of Gut Vita will help strengthen your gut barrier to promote healthy bacteria while decreasing the growth of harmful bacteria.

Prevent gas and bloating using aloe vera

Your diet may be missing aloe vera… Gut Vita capsules include Aloe Vera to maintain good gut bacteria and help prevent gas and bloating.

Relieve acid reflux with bentonite clay

Bentonite Clay – an ingredient that consists of aged volcanic ash – has shown to relieve constipation, improve irritable bowel syndrome or IBS, eliminate gas, bloating, and even acid reflux… and yes, it’s in every capsule too.

These are just six of the 10 all-natural ingredients with health-promoting properties you’re can get into your diet easier than ever before.

“I’m Pooping Like Clockwork And
All Hemorrhoids Are Gone. That’s Amazing!”

Emily started keto, and even though she lost weight, still struggled with hemorrhoids and constipation.  A 32-day treatment of Gut Vita helped regulate her bowel movements, and her hemorrhoids disappeared too!

“Acid Reflux Has Vanished!”

Alex has always suffered from chronic heartburn and a slow colon. Like many people, he tried everything his doctors recommended and prescribed without results.

Gut Vita helped him develop a regular bowel movement, and he no longer suffers from chronic heartburn.

“Just One Week Later,
My Tummy Bloating and IBS Are Gone!”

Angela lived with IBS and constipation for over 37 years. She didn’t have any hope until she came across Gut Vita. In just one week of taking Gut Vita, her bloating is gone, and so has her IBS.

“I Have No More Acid Reflux or
Hemorrhoids. Thank You!”

Like many, Anthony has lived with constipation for years. He also developed hemorrhoids and heartburn. Gut Vita has helped relieve his pain by regulating his bowel movements. Today, he’s able to pass stool easily and his hemorrhoids have vanished.

Gut Vita’s blend of ingredients is formulated from research by leading health institutions.

Each capsule is backed by scientific research from the National Center for Biotechnology, Frontiers in Pharmacy, the Nutrients Open Access Journal by Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute based in Basel, Switzerland, and the International Journal of Obesity.

Backed By Scientific Research
From World-Renowned institutions

Angela saw results in just one week…

Gut Vita is really easy to put to work. All it takes is two capsules in the morning with a large glass of water.

That’s it.

And depending on the state of your gut health, you’ll begin to see results in any time from 1 to 8 weeks, and significant improvements in 3 to 6 months.

Your order comes with a 60-day 100% satisfaction guarantee, or your money back — no questions asked

You can try Gut Vita for up to 60 days without worry.

It’s a no-brainer. Anyone that’s even a little health-conscious can see the value in taking care of their gut.

Gut Vita helps improve your gut health – no matter what state your microbiome is in.

What will you do with your new-found vitality and confidence that comes with looking and feeling healthier?

It’s hard to function as your best self when you’re not feeling healthy. And while we’d like to imagine people around us haven’t caught on, they notice.

But what if you weren’t subconsciously giving off signals that you’re struggling with your health?

What kind of day-to-day experience would you have at home and at work?

Would you feel less guilty about eating out because you don’t have worry about paying for it pain and discomfort later?

Will you finally take up a fitness routine because your body can handle the exercise and produce results you’ve always wanted?

A healthy gut is the first step to a healthier and happier rest of your life.

Kick-starting your journey to a healthier gut is really simple.

Join BFFs – our newsletter filled with stuff you actually want to read about health, fitness, love, sex, and more – and you can get 30% off your order of a 1-months supply of Gut Vita.

You can also get 3-month and 6-month packs, each with additional volume discounts.

When you sign-up for BFFs, we’ll immediately email you a unique discount link to place your order and save 30%.

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